A wonderful good morning from the studio.

Die Welt verbunden

Due to the pandemic, a physical exhibition had to be moved to the digital world. To make the experience just as exciting, we have created a digital museum.

Client & Partner
Eine Welt Landesnetzwerk MV e.V.


Sound & Experience Design
Branding & CI Concept
Interaction & Motion Design
Frontend & Backend Development

Immersive museum experience


How can you keep visitors on a website for a long time in our fast world? As part of this intercultural project, great stories were created that you have to take time for. It has presented us with many challenges to create equality between languages and nations.

Creating the atmosphere


A design concept was needed that conveyed the atmosphere of a museum. It was clear to us early on that we needed a suitable sound design for this. The site should not only provide information – it should convey emotions and invite you to linger and discover. Not easy tasks in a world where we are used to extremely short videos on social networks.

Immersive Weberlebnis mit Audio-Spuren, Interkulturelles Webprojekt aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Sound and motion design


Anyone who accesses the “Die Welt verbunden” page will experience a high level of interactivity and motion design. The development of this website went far beyond the scope of a normal web project. Understanding problems in the world and processing them, that they are visually understandable, is not an easy task.

Screen Design zu einer Website (Immersive Erlebnis) - Online Ausstellung für dieweltverbunden.de


Our experience

With this project we were able to prove once again, that it is possible to move away from conventional design approaches, without running into problems. We were able to create a true experience with exciting animations and designs.

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Let's see